We provide demo videos so that you can learn about various services by topic, and directly create and use them.
AI Service
What is AI?
Introduce OCR service of Naver Cloud Platform.
AI Market and NAVER Cloud Platform AI Services
Dev Tools
Automate infrastructure creation using the Source series
Building a Naver Cloud Platform CI/CD
Utilizing Naver Cloud Platform API
Building Naver Cloud Platform Infrastructure Using Terraform
Kubernetes Service
Microservice Architecture (MSA) #1 that anyone can easily understand
Microservice Architecture (MSA) #2 that anyone can easily understand
Colletion and verification of Kubernetes using EFK
Building CI using Container Registry
We help you to understand the overall service organization, and configure a simple web service.
Introducing how to use various services such as AI Service, Kubernetes Service, Dev Tools and Media.
This is an in-depth curriculum that introduces troubleshooting for the NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM services.